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Interviewing for Reliability Position with Senior Managers
Preparing for an Interview with Senior Managers for a Reliability Engineering Position
Organizations around the world are recognizing the value of reliability engineering. Or, they are realizing that creating a durable product that delights the customer is good for business.
Another contributor to the interest in reliable products is the news of recalls. One recall not only distrupts the normal course of business, it may alter the future of the company. It may cause the collapse of the organization. Some do better than others, yet a major, in the news, recall is something to avoid. Creating a reliable product helps.
So you made it past the initial round of interview and have been called back to talk to the senior folks. As with any job interview, being prepared helps you present your best self. Understanding the business drivers motivating an interest in reliablity is essential for your preperation. This is not how to prepare an accelerated test plan type question, rather it is about how the results of an ALT will provide relevant value to the organization.
This topic was actually a question I received the other day. The more I thought about providing an answer, the more I thought this may be a question you will face.
The Basics Count
Show up on time. Dress for the part. Be polite, respectful, and honest.