Tips for Better Online Learning
Tips for Better Online Learning
One of the key ideas behind the ASQ CRE certification is the need to learn enough to pass the exam. Then you are expected to continue to learn to maintain your certification. It is the key idea of ongoing professional development that central to the CRE program, and many other certification programs.
Over this past year of COVID-induced restrictions, the ability to attend local chapter meetings or conferences has changed. While many events are now done online, it’s another Zoom meeting after a day full of such online meetings.
A recent article by Anant Agarwal, the founder and CEO of edX titled, “What I’ve Learned About Learning — 5 Hacks for Success” caught my attention. Anant provides a few tips to improve your online learning — and I would say any learning. A little research on how to best learn online also found “Tips for Successful Online Learning” that helped inform this short summary.
Find others interested in the topic and take the course together. Besides adding a touch of peer pressure, it enables you both to reflect on the key points of each lesson.
The ability to take the time to reflect and connect the lesson to your prior experience and current situation help cement the knowledge in…